Versa Fillers in Algonquin

Versa Fillers

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Get a Filler That Lasts Longer

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At CaTara Medical Spa in Algonquin, we are pleased to offer Versa Filler by Revanesse. This newer treatment was designed as a treatment to be used in the cheeks, lips, and nasolabial folds. Made up of hyaluronic acid, which is synthesized naturally in the body, this product carries little chance of the body rejecting it.

Studies have shown that Versa causes swelling at a significantly lower rate than other dermal fillers. It also boasts faster results that start becoming apparent immediately after a treatment session. This treatment is a great way to fight the effects of time, with results that last longer than most other filler options.

Versa Fillers in Algonquin

Treatment Details

What it Treats

Facial wrinkles and folds
Nasolabial folds (laugh lines)
Low facial volume and fullness

Procedure Time

Varies based on the number of treatment areas. Most treatment sessions are around 30 minutes.


Female or male
18 & older

Recovery & Downtime

You are free to go back to work or your regular routine after your appointment, but some redness, swelling, and sensitivity may occur. This is normal and won’t last long.

Why Try Versa Fillers in Algonquin?


Highly Customizable

Whether you are someone with mild-to-moderate volume loss or have severe wrinkles or folds, Versa Filler provides solutions for a wide variety of needs.


Minimally Invasive

Versa Filler can be a great alternative for patients who want to smooth folds and wrinkles without the need for cosmetic surgery.


Long-Term Results

While Versa Filler is not permanent, the results are long lasting. A single treatment session will deliver results that last up to 12 months. Repeating treatment towards the end of this timeframe will help to maintain results.

The Versa Filler Process

What to Expect


At CaTara, consultations are where we truly get to know you. We’ll listen to all of your concerns, assess the current condition of your skin, and work with you to determine an injection plan that fits your lifestyle and budget. You’ll have our full attention and will be treated as a respected and valued guest at our office.

Get your Versa Filler injections

Your expert injector will administer the Versa Filler into the area(s) of concern. Throughout the process, we will walk you through each step to ensure you feel comfortable with the treatment and understand what to expect.

Next Steps

We will assess the treated area to ensure proper placement of the filler. We’ll give you instructions on the best ways to care for and maintain your results. You will be able to go about the rest of your day as you normally would.

Pre-Treatment Instructions

  • Avoid all blood-thinning medications and supplements for at least a week before your appointment. This includes aspirin, ibuprofen, Aleve, garlic supplements, Vitamin E, St. John’s Wort, and omega-3 or fish oil capsules. As always, if you are taking any of these medications under direction of a doctor, speak to him or her before discontinuing use.
  • Inform us if you have a history of cold sores or Perioral Herpes before your appointment.
  • Stop using topical skin products that contain retinol, glycolic acid, alpha-hydroxy acid, or “anti-aging” products at least 2 days before (and after) your fillers are injected.
  • Avoid waxing, bleaching, tweezing, or other hair removal methods on the area that will be treated.
  • Avoid alcohol in the 24 hours before your appointment.

Post-Treatment Instructions

  • Avoid touching or massaging the injection site(s) unless instructed by your specialist.
  • Avoid intense heat on the treated area, such as sunbathing, tanning, saunas, hot tubs, and hot wax if swelling is present.
  • Avoid strenuous activity for 24 hours.
  • Avoid direct sun exposure or excessive heat for 72 hours.
  • Avoid alcohol and excess salt to prevent swelling.
  • If you have swelling, use a cool compress.
  • Sleep face up and slightly elevated for a day or two.
  • Wait a minimum of four weeks before having any other skin care or laser treatments.

Frequently Asked Questions

How soon will I see results?

One of our patients' favorite reasons for using Versa Filler is the speed at which results are noticeable. You will see results immediately after your appointment.

What makes Versa Filler in Algonquin unique?

Trials have shown that Versa Filler tends to have a lower rate of causing swelling to occur. In comparison, other fillers caused swelling to occur 50% more often.

How deep is Versa injected?

Versa is intended for injection in the mid to deep dermis to help correct lines and wrinkles in the skin.

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